I have surgery in two days, and I expect the surgeon to shake her head and ask why we are here. She will NOT find any trace of atypical cells, let alone cancerous cells.
She will remove what she feels she needs to , send it off to the lab for analysis, while we hang out in the operating room waiting for the results.
Why am I so confident about this? Because I believe deeply in the power for us all to heal ourselves.
In addition to the medical treatment I have gotten so far, I have also done the following:
1. Energetically removed the unwanted cells from my body and given them back to the earth, all on a sacred piece of land out in the Columbia River Gorge.
2. Visited with an energy healer to get at the root emotional cause of this illness, and did the work necessary so that this does not happen again.
3. Spent hours and hours in the oxygen chamber, all to promote the growth of healthy cells.
So many individuals have given so generously of their time, services, and love, as I have gone through the past 3 months of medical exploration. You all have made it clear to me that you’ve “got my back”. I would tag each and every one of you here, but there are way too many of you to tag. Believe me, my heart is full with all the generosity and love you have poured into me.
Thank you everyone!