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Mary Burger

Windows XP Keyboard Shortcuts

If you like keyboard shortcuts and want a quick way to access various items, check out the following:

1. Hold down the Windows key (the button with the flying window graphic – normally located at the bottom left of the keyboard between the Fn and Alt keys) – and press R – this will launch the Run box.

Why is the run box handy? Once you have it on the screen, type Calc and hit enter to open the Windows Calculator. Type Notepad and enter to open the Windows Notepad. Type mspaint and hit enter to open Windows Paint (I use this one a lot). Type cmd and enter to get to a DOS command prompt.

2. Hold down the Windows key and press E – this will launch Windows Explorer – I love this one!

3. Hold down the Windows key and press F – this will launch the Find utility.

4. Hold down the Windows key and press M – this will minimize all open windows to show the desktop.

5. Hold down the Windows key and press L – this will instantly lock the computer.


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